Midnight Express Half-life Mapping

Server Status
Map Cycle

This site is just a small place to show my maps that I've made, and show anyone who wants to see the progress I am making on future maps to be released.


With the coming of HL2, I don't know how popular HLDM will stay.  I guess I will make maps until there is no one left to play them.  I do plan on mapping in HL2, looking forward to it in fact.


I no longer run a server, but may bring it back in the next few weeks or months.  It will be HLDM, and I will be renting a HL2 server if the service is available.  I'm not sure how its going to work with multi yet.

Server IP address:

No server until further notice


In addition to mods, I will be running the newest and freshest maps out there, including my own.  If you have a map you want to test, I will help you in any way I can.


News and latest map screenshots


Well the site is finally updated.  I have released a new map finally, Midnight Express Club (mid_exp_club.bsp).  It took forever it seems, working on it here and there.  I'm fairly pleased with the final product, although it could have been a bit better.

I've started a new one and have plans to finish the Halloween DM  for Halloween '03.

I'm currently working on a new site completely rebuilt, and will be using Swish and Dreamweaver mainly.



Released Maps:



Midnight Express Club

Maps in Progress:

Project Halloween

Newest project